First, I will say that I am black and I love my race with a passion. I am sure that I will get a few trolls and ignorant wannabe racists that do not have a clue, or the ones that have black avatars and want to attempt to inflame. I ask you to ignore them, and answer this question seriously. Please give me a few moments because I am sure that I will have to post additional details to get it all in.
First of all, our young sistas. We have always been known as the most virtuous of women. We waited until marriage and we we very selective about who shared our beds. Now promoscuity and skin tight clothing is getting out of hand.
Then the rap lyrics that I despise. Some of us actually idolize this music that put the community in such a negative light. It defames our women, stereotypes our behaviors, and downplays our culture. Rap music do not need to be defended. It needs to be cleaned up or banned. Rap should not be our foundation. THe black church always was. When it was we were at
Black people, would you agree that we have work to do?
Yes we have much word to do. You know what I see?
When i was growing up, our parents TAUGHT us how to act. They taught us our faith and to respect it. They taught us our history. They TAUGHT US TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER AND THIS INCLUDES ALL PEOPLE.
Now, parents and leaders have FORGOTTEN to teach what they have been taught. We have been pacified by material things and status assuming our children will know what we know. They don't.
I had a friend was married, middle classed, and well educated. She has a son who is a spoiled brat and says whatever he wants to and does whatever he wants to. She accused his teacher of being racist. I told her she was full of it. I had seen her son in action at school and at my home. I watched her pacify him and kiss his behind everytime he wanted something. I asked her what was her role in his behavior, and of course she blamed everyone but herself. Even her husband was like we created a monster, but she pretends to be clueless. When I laid the rules down in my house and told him that kind of junk will NOT be tolerated, he acted like he had some sense. He actually BEHAVED better with me than he did with his own momma! So I knew he knew better.
We have to clean up our own act. Yes prejudice is in the world. But I make sure that my being and existence is a positive one (meaning I am a law abiding citizen with children who behave and are good students). How can I prove someone else is wrong when I am at fault? Bill Cosby is right. It is time for more African Americans like us to clean house. It doesn't matter how much money you have. Having morals is not a MONEY issue. I have a friend who grew up in the projects and went to college for FREE, along with all of her siblings. The difference between them and others is guidance. Yes, her mother worked all the time but she made sure she RAISED her children. She would stick her foot up their butts if they cut up in school. Too many parents are non-chalant when it comes to that. You already know racism exists, and then you want to exacerbate the problem by being negligent in your own home? I can't sympathize with people like that.
And don't even start me on entertainment. The black women with the lightest color hair weave down their behinds, the shortest skits, and the dumbest lyrics are the most famous. The rappers who don't talk about nothing but materialistic crap and hoochies are the most famous. Why aren't we supporting our conscious artists more? Why must we sell ourselves out for a dollar? Perhaps these artists are that shallow, or perhaps they could care less. They just want to be rich. I refuse to buy their music regardless how catchy the beat is. We get intoxicated by a thumping beat and don't care how these artists make us look. Some black little girls fantasize about looking like these women. Thinking they can't be beautiful with their own hair. Some little boys want the hyped up cars and chains, not knowing most of these rappers don't even own the cars they talk about. We can't depend on the media outlet. At the same time we have some who are wonderful role models, but too many who are not. We have to downgrade those who are a modern day black faced entertainers who will do anything the "man" tells them to do for a buck. The reason we are losing out ground is because too many of us FORGOT to teach our children what is important. And nowadays it is not only in the black community. It is in every community.
I haven't given up on our culture. I still love African Americans! There are so many like you who do our community good. We have to educate ourselves to the ones who are not. Some African Americans already feel like we have to prove ourselves to people. We should not have to battle ourselves at the same time. We have to love ourselves and our ancestors enough to right our own wrongs.
Reply:Im on my way to work right now (big project). I gotta put in some overtime, then I am coming to do some yard work if its not raining
I'll see you when I get back.
see ya babe
Reply:Please ignore answers like that first one..shame on him/her.
I am not black, but I just wanted to say that I think it's great that you care, and I agree completely with everything you are saying.
You go girl!
Reply:I agree with you. I think we are suffering from a case of the endless cycle of art imitating life, and then life imitating art. Sure, some of the actions described in rap and in the black movies out there life the "Playas Club" can happen, but they don't happen to every black person. However, since people don't take the time to get to know people anymore, and make assumptions, they think that what they hear on the radio and see on the TV are true.
We need to stop and think - maybe it's my inability to interact with others that causes my assumptions about them, and not that my assumptions are true, and that's why I don't interact with them.
We have to become a community again like we were before, where everyone watched out for each other's children, and helped to raise those children to be the best they can be. We are too wrapped up in our own drama to see how it effects others.
Reply:I agree with you to a point...but I have to go.. I'd type more but I'm on my way to work.
Reply:First i`ll tell you ,I am white .
I respect blacks and all races .I feel sorry that We have racists on both sides .
What bothers me most is the Black on black crimes .
Gangs ,sexism,drugs ,and just being violent towards each other .
Black people need to stop listening to the likes of Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakahn and Really listen to Bill Cosby and Rev .Martin Luther Kings messages .
You don`t get love or respect by dis-respecting yourselves .
All people have value and importance .
We need to love one another instead of competing with each other .
I do agree that the rap songs do all an injustice .
each person needs to evaluate and change from within ,then maybe it will catch on .
Reply:I agree with you, and it's great to see someone care for their own race.
I think that we should stop listening to rap music that contai negative lyrics, so those rappers will start to realize this and use positive words instead.
Whenever I have to hear such music it makes me angry to see that rappers make money from people who love such music.
And I hate it as well that girls love to wear skimpy clothes just to attract men, so we shoud just stop buying them.
It would be good to actually make people realize that they have to respect themselves so they can have respect from others
Reply:I'm sorry but i LOVE rap. banning it will only hurt the society. but i do agree with the other stuff u said.
by the way--since i listen to rap, I'm not portrayed as a video girl, whore or any of that. I'm in college trying to get my major and w/o rap, I will probably be the most miserable person.
Reply:well said...we need more people that feel the same way
Reply:First of all I think your question should be directed to a diverse group of black people. By asking it here you are opening the door for so many things.
When you say: "Black people, would you agree that we have work to do?" Your discriminating in a Multi-ethnic forum!
You state:
First of all, our young sistas. We have always been known as the most virtuous of women. We waited until marriage and we we very selective about who shared our beds. Now promoscuity and skin tight clothing is getting out of hand
My Response:
That goes back to the parents and the upbringing of those individuals, and it is not specific to black women. Its the American pop culture!
You State:
Then the rap lyrics that I despise. Some of us actually idolize this music that put the community in such a negative light. It defames our women, stereotypes our behaviors, and downplays our culture
My Response:
Rap music is not to blame the isse is bigger than that. It goes back to the family unit and the choices of that individual family unit.
You State:
Rap music do not need to be defended. It needs to be cleaned up or banned. Rap should not be our foundation
My response:
Whoever said rap music was the foundation of the black community. Let me tell you this, for every rapper out there the black fan base per rapper is 200 to 300 black people the rest is the white majority who likes rap music too and those in the upcoming hispanic population.
rap music needs to be banned and cleaned up?
Come on now the Suger Hill gang, Kurtis Blow, Salt n Pepa, Slick Rick, The Fugees, Run Dmc who did a song glorifying Jesus called "Being down with the King"
As far a it being cleaned up, let the rappers continue to express themselves, then leave it to the people to make the choice in what they want to hear.(purchase power) Lets make the parents stand up an take there families back. Lets not dictate to people, lets influence and inspire through prayer, and become active members in our communities you live in!
Don't believe the hype!
Reply:Okay.... I hear you.
But for the record, most of what you said doesn't apply to me or the communities that I associate with..... so Its pretty hard to completely agree with you...... but you do have a point though.
Reply:I couldn't agree with you more. I am also African-american and It upsets me the way our culture is portraying themselves. You are correct on most things but I wanted to speak on your comment about rap music. You are grouping rap music in one big group, but there is another group of rap music that is down-played..I call it "positive rap" although these rappers despise that label. I'm talking about rappers such as Common, Talib Kweli, Nas, Mos Def, Even Outkast and Kanye West can be thrown into that category with some of their lyrics. Those are the rappers I listen to, the others are garbage..
Briefly touching on your other comments, I agree with you women seem to not have much respect for themselves and men do not give them any. The parents are not even parents anymore, they just seem to not care about parenting their kids and let thim run around and be disrespectful.
No one is striving for excellence anymore, no one is trying to bring up the culture, and no one sees education and working hard as a primary concern. It's pretty sad, actually.
I also wanted to touch on what chefed#1 said about these leaders that everyone seems to follow. Al Sharpton being one of them..
Don't get me wrong, he does do some things to benefit african-americans although I think most of it is just for air time. If anyone actually follows his life, comments, (I) could conclude that he is the biggest racist of them all. You don't fight rasicm with rasicm...It just doesn't make sense. I agree, more african americans should listen to Bill Cosby instead of putting him down and saying he's a "race trader". He most certainly is not. He is only stating the truth that so many blacks try to defend.
Anyway, I didn't mean to write a book. ;) Just wanted you to know that I agree with you.
Reply:I agree that we all have work to do, not just the black community, but since that is the community that I am a part of I will speak on that issue. I believe as a race we have some how lost our direction and our focus. For instance, I look at this answer board and I see people putting blacks down for things I have NEVER done or seen anyone do. I see stereotypes of my race that neither describe me or anyone that I know. It is my belief these very same stereotypes come from the messages from the media, the entertainment industry, and those rare black people who act as the stereotypes. Since I started answering some of these questions I also started taking a look at myself and my family and some of the things we do. I would not want to be known as a part of problem but a piece of the solution. I try very hard to be positive and to make my fore-fathers proud that every struggle, tear or sweat stain was not in vain. I wish you the best what ever you are doing to promote positivity and if I could be of any help please let me.
Reply:Boy, you blue-veined cheese white, no doubt.
Did the description 'blue-veined cheese white' touch a nerve somewhere???
Reply:I honestly didn't know you were considered the most virtuous of women. That alone indicates racism. I believe that that the Bible gives a great description of what a virtuous woman is,. in Proverbs 31. It doesn't mention race. I am really concerned of why everything is black and white, all the time. There are more races than the black one,but the topic always goes to black and white. I really believe that the Jewish race has been treated worse than every other race, and you never hear them crying and complaining. Irish Americans were also denied jobs, housing, and public education for years. You are not taught that in our education system. I guess the race card for blacks and whites is getting really old. Every little things happens to be racist, and i think that it is plain pathetic. I understand that people are racists. But it isn't just towards blacks in our society.
Reply:You got issues.
Reply:Sorry,I had to thank you for the laugh you gave me.
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