Saturday, July 24, 2010

My take on the race issue, once and for all?

I just answered a question on race asked earlier, and came up with my best "answer" in weeks I think. Wondered what people thought of the following reply to the daily "Why won't ____ accept that us _____ are equals?"

Please don't generalize so much, that's what keeps this crap going on for generation after generation.

Everyone has biases, some are just more selective than others. Example: I was raised to be race neutral, skin pigment and minor facial differences don't enter into my snap judgements of people. HOWEVER the minute I hear someone speak, I lump them into a category, usually not a flattering one.

I don't give a fig about race, but 90% of everyone I meet needs speech therapy if they're to ever get my respect.

"Why can't the English teach their children how to speak?

This verbal class distinction by now should be antique.

If you spoke as she does, sir, Instead of the way you do,

Why, you might be selling flowers, too.

My take on the race issue, once and for all?
I agree. However we will never have perfect race relations nor will we ever have a time when GBLT persons are looked at as fully equal to our heterosexual counter parts. We will always have ethical, moral, cultural and religious issues with each other. This is sad but true.
Reply:You cant contain bigotry.. it's a human rampant defect.
Reply:As long as the blacks can deliver a major portion of the black vote, they will continue to be courted by the socialist/Dems in state and federal governments.

As long as the blacks are given just about anting they want, they will vote accordingly. The Dems promise them, and the black racist hustlers like Revvums Sharpton and Jackson, promise to make it even better, the black vote will be there.

The only thing they have ion common is the hatred of anything and anybody white. See the following excerpt:

Foot in his mouth and no clue in his head

Gregory Kane

April 11, 2007

You see Don, black folks have this expression: "If you don't know, you'd better ask somebody." The white guy in the example above didn't know. And in your comments about the Rutgers women, you sure as heck didn't know. And your crawling to Sharpton to explain yourself on his show indicates you still don't know.

Here's a flash, Don: Black folks have never elected Sharpton to anything. You don't owe him any more explanations or apologies than you do to any other black folks in the United States. It would have made better sense for you to make amends to the Congressional Black Caucus. They're not worth a tinker's dam, but at least they've been elected to something.

There's a wealth of information you could have used against Sharpton on his show. You could have opened by pointing out that no one has ever accused Sharpton, on his better days, of being Mr. Racial Harmony. You could have pointed out that Les Payne, a black columnist for Newsday in Sharpton's own hometown of New York, opined that Sharpton "is as immune to irony as he is to shame" and that the good revvum is "a noisy answer for which there is no known question."

Then you could have asked Sharpton about those allegations that first appeared in the Village Voice - which is about as far from a right-wing, Republican rag as a paper can get - accusing him of allowing his 2004 presidential campaign to be run by a Republican operative in exchange for dollars. You wouldn't have even had to bring up that nasty Tawana Brawley business.

After that, you could have focused on Jackson. More than two decades ago, Jackson had to do some apologizing of his own, at the Democratic National Convention. Jackson went before his fellow Democrats (Jackson is one of a laundry list of reasons I switched my party affiliation to Republican) and said how sorry he was for calling Jews "Hymies" and referring to New York as "Hymietown."

So what Jackson is saying is that he can utter an ethnic slur and should be forgiven when he apologizes. But when Don Imus makes an offensive racial remark and apologizes, the apology doesn't count. Imus should be fired.

Detecting a little bit of hypocrisy and a double standard there, aren't you, Don? Jackson and Sharpton call themselves Christian ministers. Aren't Christian ministers supposed to be about forgiveness? Shouldn't Jackson and Sharpton be the ones eager to accept your apology, say all is forgiven and move on?

Flesh-eating zombies will crawl out of their graves and walk the earth before any of that happens. But I suspect you already know that, Don. And you know there is a fundamental difference between your "nappy-headed hos" crack and Jackson's "Hymie/Hymietown" remarks.

Jackson made his remarks off the record, in an attempt to hide his bigotry. You were doing what you're being paid to do: say controversial and stupid things for ratings. That's what your bosses pay you to do. I hope the hot seat you're sitting on is a big one, Don.

Because it looks like you may be getting some company.
Reply:I like your stand. It's based on some reason rather than blind emotion - like some of the imbeciles who can't even think coherently.

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